

I’m Not Listening But I Hear You…+

We have intuitively known that what enters our ears greatly influences how we behave and what we purchase, but it...

Read More+ 11 years ago

A Health Dose Of Reality+

David Ogilvy once remarked: “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy.”...

Read More+ 11 years ago

In Algorithms we trust- too much?+

Do we trust algorithms and mix-modeling studies too much? I recently met with an advertiser who said the reason that...

Read More+ 11 years ago

Have You Heard A Good Joke Lately?+

When we laugh at a joke or funny story, what causes the laughter? The speaker’s delivery, possibly. The setup, maybe....

Read More+ 11 years ago

Just the Facts, Please+

I recently returned from the 4As (American Association of Advertising Agencies) conference in New Orleans, where a number of speakers...

Read More+ 11 years ago

TV Advertisers Need to Open Their Eyes…And Ears!+

It’s no accident that virtually every successful television commercial has a powerful audio track, as advertisers and their creative agencies...

Read More+ 11 years ago

The Bright Lights of Broadway…and Madison Avenue+

There’s a reason why theatrical productions often begin off-Broadway. On Broadway, the lights shine with greater intensity and bring greater...

Read More+ 12 years ago

Thirteen is a lucky number for today’s advertisers+

Thirteen is a lucky number for today’s advertisers. It’s the number of media channels that radio can effectively mobilize to...

Read More+ 12 years ago

Relevant By Any Definition+

At the recent Wells Fargo Media Conference, Entercom CEO David Field answered a question about radio’s continued relevance saying there...

Read More+ 12 years ago